Monday, May 18, 2009

Great Strides 2009!!

Great Strides 2009 was a huge success for the Breezy's Bravery Team! This being our first year I'm happy to announce that Breezy's Bravery was recognized as the top fundraisers for our walk! A huge thanks to everyone that donated to our team and the cause. We had a great turn out and I just have to mention that Breezy, Nate and I have wonderful friends! I can't wait to do this again next year and raise more money for Breezy and all of the CF families.


Courtney said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a good time!!

Zoe Isabella said...

Congratulations on a GREAT job!!!! :)Love your t-shirts!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Great job! It's a great feeling, knowing you are helping and doing your part to help cure your child, as well as so many others! Thank you!

P.S. Breezy is so pretty!

Christy said...

Awesome pictures!!! Love the purple.

Graciy said...

Yah!! for Great Strides and Breezy!

Lil' Chris' Mom said...

Wow, great job on being #1!!! Thanks for doing all that you do to raise money for CF;)