Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hypertonic Saline

On the 17th Breezy had her CF Clinic appointment, everything went very well including her throat culture that came back without pseudomonas....woohoo. She is still culturing staph however. Her doctors say the staph bacteria in her lungs is just one of those things most CF patients culture. So in other words I guess we are calling that normal at this point. Breezy has been swallowing her enzymes which as made her tummy a little backed up it is so strange to go from oil to needing miralax in a matter of days, but I guess that is just CF for you.

While we were at the clinic Breezy weighed in at 37 pounds. In case you were keeping track she has gained 9 pounds since September 2008 when she was diagnosed. Breezy is happy because she wants to get out of her car seat and in to a booster before she starts kindergarten. She is worried about the big school kids calling her a baby if they see her car seat so hooray for Breezy only 3 more pounds to go!!!

Breezy was prescribed Hypertonic Saline and we just received in in the mail this week. She thought it would be great because the doctors told her it was like very salty water. But Breezy thinks it needs more salt....lol and it scratches her throat. But oh man did she cough up some mucus, it was great. Better out then in :)

Breezy doing her first Hypertonic Saline treatment at her CF Clinic.
She put a tissue under her nose plug so it wouldn't pinch to hard.


Bri said...

she is a little trooper!

Lucy's mom said...

Yippee for the 9 POUND GAIN since dx! That is fantastic news! Glad clinic went well for her! Lucy and I will be thinking more "heavy" thoughts for her so she can get a booster seat! ;P

Anonymous said...

Does she use a nose plug for all of her breathing treatments? Why? Morgan also does the saline but she never coughs anything up, ever. She's never had to use a nose plug, just curious.

Unknown said...

GO BREEZY GO> MY Daughter Nephtali 6 yrs old w/ Cf was so excited to see your pictures. She says" I am six and lost two teeth on the bottom and one on the the top. it is so nice to see someone like me in the computer. I would like to write to you and send you my picture to.. Maybe we could be friends. I am happy you had a birthday and will be six maybe i could send a card for your next birthday. maybe if my Abba (father) could put my picture on the computer you could see me. . i love you and know you are an overcommer" Nephtali...