Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas. Breezy can hardly contain her excitement. We will be having a wonderful travel free holiday, I'm so happy to stay home and relax this year...we need it :)

Last week Breezy had "Polar Express Day" at school and all of the kindergarten children wore their pjs to school. It was the cutiest thing ever. All of the kids were such great sports imagining that the line of chairs was a train. It was such a special day, after lunch the kids found a bell on their chair and were quite suprised. Breezy thinks that Ms.Clause put the bells there because Santa was to busy.


Lil' Chris' Mom said...


Have a Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Kids are always so cute when they get to wear their PJ's to school! Looks like they were enjoying it!

P.S. Reilly is getting the LeapFrog Tag, too. I found a great deal for the pen, plus 4 books and the storage tote for about $70! That made my day!

Katey said...

How cute. And I think it is neat that the teacher wore her PJ's too!

Merry Christmas...enjoy your travel-free holiday time!